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Kazakhstan new 1,000-tenge note reported

December 20, 2014

According to a press release dated 12 December 2014, the National Bank of Kazakhstan has introduced a regular issue 1,000-tenge note with new design.

100 som 100 som

KB BNP2 (PNL): 100 com (som) (US$1.95)

Yellow, brown, orange, and blue. Front (vertical): National emblem; SPARK patch; flying doves and Kazakh Eli monument in Astana; flag. Back: Outline of Kazakhstan; mountains and landscape features of the Ustyurt Plateau. 4-mm wide StarChrome windowed security thread with demetalized text. Watermark: Mythic Samruk bird with electrotype 1000. Printer: (BFoNBK).

Original source: www.banknotenews.com.

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